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Empowering Volunteers for a Decade of Climate Action

#Movers4Climate is a pathway of the Movers Programme, a regional movement of volunteers who develop climate awareness, entrepreneurial mindsets and 21st-century skills by conducting localized training at a grassroots level. The Movers Programme uses a training-of-trainer approach and works with community partners to target harder-to-reach groups and support YECAP’s objective to leave no youth behind.


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Join our YECAP x Movers Climate Workshops

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Puthealy Vin,
Movers Ambassador

My most memorable moment from running #Movers4Climate workshops is seeing how passionate and committed the participants are to make a difference.

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Maria Pellosis,
Movers Envoy

Movers Programme helped me become a more humane and better human, which led me to optimize my potentials and understand how I can utilize them for the greater good.


Abdul Muhimin,
Movers Envoy

Movers Programme provided me with a platform that encourages and supports youth to raise their voices, participate in collective actions, and work for a better tomorrow.

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Our community of youth volunteers conducts fun and interactive #Movers4Climate Workshops on climate action, life below water, nature & biodiversity, green jobs, and well-being. Anytime, anywhere.


Join us to learn more about climate change, connect with youth leaders across Asia-Pacific, and start your climate advocacy journey with us!

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Level up your leadership and advocacy skills by conducting our #Movers4Climate Workshops to raise awareness about the climate crisis in your own networks!


Join us to develop your 21st-century skills, be part of a supportive community, have a positive impact, and become a leader by empowering youth in your community.

How #Movers4Climate Leaders are Taking Action

Empowering Youth to Pursue Green Jobs

Learn about green careers, green jobs and green entrepreneurship from ILO's Webinar #4 on Green Jobs for Youth in Asia and the Pacific. Find out how youth can become future-ready and catalysts for change through 21st century skills training, activity-based learning, and Leaving No One Behind.

Introducing Movers Green Jobs Pioneers Series in which young people from various backgrounds across Asia and the Pacific share insight into how they pursue their green career pathways.

Movers Green Jobs Pioneers Series

Movers Green Jobs Pioneers Series

Movers Green Jobs Pioneers Series
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Taimoor Siddiqui - From Climate Leader to Climate Entrepreneur with Project Clean-Green [GJP]

Taimoor Siddiqui - From Climate Leader to Climate Entrepreneur with Project Clean-Green [GJP]

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Nawal Amjad - Empowering youth by lecturing on climate and promoting women empowerment [Green Jobs]

Nawal Amjad - Empowering youth by lecturing on climate and promoting women empowerment [Green Jobs]

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Yaqi Chu - Supporting climate startups & businesses to scale their impact [Green Jobs Pioneers]

Yaqi Chu - Supporting climate startups & businesses to scale their impact [Green Jobs Pioneers]

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Boost Your Climate Expertise

Explore our comprehensive workshop curriculum and training modules, available in English and various local languages. Access self-learning resources to enhance your climate advocacy skills and knowledge here.


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Curriculum Partners


Programme Partners

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Youth Empowerment in Climate Action Platform

The Youth Empowerment in Climate Action Platform (YECAP) was established by UNDP in Asia and the Pacific in collaboration with UNFCCC RCC Asia and the Pacific, UNICEF East Asia and the Pacific, UNICEF South Asia, British Council, YOUNGO, Movers Programme, and 2030 Youth Force in response to young people across the region calling for urgent action on the climate agenda. Youth in all their diverse identities and experiences advance their climate journeys with the support from YECAP to meaningfully engage in action, advocacy, and acceleration of the movement towards a just climate future.

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