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YECAP Climate Negotiator Training 2023

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Date: 15-17 May


Location: UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub

Organizers: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC) Asia-Pacific, with Youth Empowerment in Climate Action Platform (YECAP); implemented by RCC Asia Pacific in collaboration with YOUNGO, the International Youth Climate Movement (UNFCCC's Children and Youth Constituency)


  • Increase the capacity of young trainees on underlying processes of UNFCCC such as Mitigation, Adaptation, Means of Implementation, and Communication and Engagement Tools

  • Increase knowledge and awareness among young people on the overall UNFCCC negotiation process, key topics that are of importance for Parties (countries) and non-party stakeholders, motivating them to be able to participate in the process

  • Increase the understanding of the key outcomes from COP26 and COP27 and knowledge sharing on the implementation and decision-making process in the lead up to COP28

  • Share available opportunities for the young advocates to engage at national and regional dialogues and programmes including Nationally determine Contributions (NDCs), National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and other key areas from the outcomes of COP26 and COP27

Participants: Young climate leaders from across Asia and the Pacific

Speakers: Experts from Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), UNFCCC Secretariat, RCC Asia-Pacific, YOUNGO, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP), and United Nations Environment Programme Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP ROAP) in areas such as overview of UNFCCC negotiation process, Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE),  Article 6, Fossil fuels and Coal Phase Down policies, Loss and Damage, Cross-cutting issues and technology, etc.


Session on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

Session on Capacity-Building

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Youth Empowerment in Climate Action Platform

The Youth Empowerment in Climate Action Platform (YECAP) was established by UNDP in Asia and the Pacific in collaboration with UNFCCC RCC Asia and the Pacific, UNICEF East Asia and the Pacific, UNICEF South Asia, British Council, YOUNGO, Movers Programme, and 2030 Youth Force in response to young people across the region calling for urgent action on the climate agenda. Youth in all their diverse identities and experiences advance their climate journeys with the support from YECAP to meaningfully engage in action, advocacy, and acceleration of the movement towards a just climate future.

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